
Chapter One :Chapter 1

1998, Little Red Flower Kindergarten.

Su Xiaoxiao got up from her small kindergarten bed, rubbed her eyes, and her cheeks showed the blush of just waking up.

On the left cheek, there was still an indentation from the pillow, making her chubby face extraordinarily cute.

However, her round eyes were filled with bewilderment.

What happened to her?

Was she dreaming?

She had been dead for several months, yet her soul continued to hover around Ning Mo's mansion, unable to leave. She witnessed the man whom everyone saw as a lunatic, a fanatic, clutching her body, refusing to let go.

In the silence of the deep night, he would apologize over and over to her body.

And she had to stand behind him, unable to touch or escape.

"Teacher!!" A sudden scream interrupted Su Xiaoxiao's musings, "Ning Mo bit someone!!"

Ning Mo??!!

The familiar name brought back Su Xiaoxiao's thoughts. Her body moved faster than her mind, struggling to get up from the bed. Her short arms rubbed against the quilt several times as she awkwardly rose to her feet.

It was then that Su Xiaoxiao realized, she had become a three or four-year-old child!

The surroundings were identical to the kindergarten she attended as a child!

Could it be that she was reborn?

Su Xiaoxiao widened her eyes in disbelief, looking at her own short arms and legs.

"This is... too fantastical, isn't it?"

Her voice was also milky and soft.

"Teacher, teacher!"

"The crazy one is biting!"

"Junjun is bleeding!"

A series of chaotic screams, interspersed with a few tragic cries, left no time for Su Xiaoxiao to question whether she was dreaming. She struggled to get out of bed and ran towards the scene of the incident.

"Xiaomo, let go quickly!"

On the playground, Ning Mo and Junjun's tiny bodies were entangled.

Ning Mo was lying on Junjun, biting his shoulder.

In the summer, the children were all wearing thin short sleeves, and Junjun's bloody shoulder was clearly visible from a distance.

The kindergarten teacher, scared, quickly rushed over. She hugged Ning Mo's body, trying to coax him into letting go, but Ning Mo turned a deaf ear, his eyes tightly closed, his body trembling as he bit Junjun firmly.

Junjun, trapped under Ning Mo, struggled desperately, his crying mixed with tears and snot.

"Teacher, save me~ sob sob..."

Su Xiaoxiao walked straight through the panicked children to stand behind Teacher Sun.

She stared blankly at the little boy in front of her, who was both familiar and unfamiliar, her mouth unconsciously falling agape.

This was Ning Mo! The young Ning Mo!

She had actually been reborn.

Su Xiao stood still, watching as Teacher Sun tried his best but was unable to get Ning Mo to loosen his grip. Junjun had already fainted in pain. Other teachers, having heard the ruckus, came running to help. It took the combined efforts of three people to separate Ning Mo from Junjun.

"Quick, notify their parents."

Teacher Sun, looking terrified at the sight of the unconscious Junjun, immediately asked someone to call Junjun's parents.

Everyone failed to notice that the separated Ning Mo was sitting on the ground, blood still smeared at the corner of his mouth. His body was shaking, but his face was expressionless, even his beautiful eyes were devoid of any emotional fluctuation.

Ning Mo was an autistic child.

Everyone knew that.

So did Su Xiao.

She had witnessed the madness of autism first hand.

In his quest to avenge her, he stormed into the Lu group armed with a dagger, stabbed Lu Youqin to death with his own hands, and then lept from the top floor of the Lu Group's building.

It was brutal and relentless.

Thinking of that scene, Su Xiao's hands and feet went cold, she couldn't move as she remained frozen on the spot.

She gazed blankly at Ning Mo, while Ning Mo sat on the spot with his head bowed, his light blue school uniform short-sleeved shirt was covered in dust.

Junjun's parents arrived very quickly. His mother started to cry even before entering the kindergarten, her wails were so heartrending that they could be heard throughout the entire kindergarten building.

Ning Mo was still sitting on the playground, unnoticed by anyone.

Only Su Xiaoxiao was standing behind him all the time.

"If anything happens to you, Junjun, I won't be able to live on!" Junjun's mother wailed.

"Junjun's mother, please hold yourself together and rush Junjun to the hospital."

"Who did this? Who on earth hurt our Junjun?"

"It was... it was Ning Mo."

Teacher Sun took the emotionally distraught Junjun's mother aside, and quietly told her that Ning Mo was the perpetrator. Junjun's mom, who had been wailing and sobbing, suddenly stopped crying, looking rather gloomy.

Although Ning Mo was an autistic child, his family background was not simple. Both of his parents worked in official agencies, and his uncle was a businessman with quite the influence locally, otherwise, the kindergarten wouldn't have accepted an autistic child like him under such immense pressure.

“I demand an explanation from this kindergarten!" Junjun's mom left these threatening words and took Junjun to the hospital.

Teacher Sun finally sighed a breath of relief and had the time to look back at Ning Mo.

He was still sitting at the scene of the incident, his small body slightly hunched over, head low.

He didn't seem to care about anything that was happening around him, or pay attention to anyone.

Including Junjun, who he had just bitten and caused to faint.

His little face was somewhat pale, but it was utterly expressionless.

His family never came, not even a phone call went through.

Teacher Sun walked toward Ning Mo, heaving a deep sigh.

"Little Mo, go back to the classroom and wait for mom and dad, okay?"

Ning Mo's parents were always busy, which all the teachers knew, but how could they be so busy that they couldn't be contacted even when their child was involved in such a big incident? Teacher Sun had never seen such a situation.

Su Xiao Xiao stood still too.

But after all, she was just a three- or four-year-old child, and her chubby little body couldn't endure it any longer, her pudgy legs were extremely sore.

She wiggled her butt, tilted her head and thought.

Then proceeded towards Teacher Sun and Ning Mo.

Ning Mo's madness stemmed from the isolation and harm of this world. With an extremely high IQ, the biochemical weapon he developed in his previous life shocked the entire world. Yet, he lacked empathy, having no feelings. As long as you have money, you could buy anything you wish from him. Therefore, he, too, was the embodiment of a demon.

However the demon from his past life was just a delicate dumpling, a kid whose fighting strategy was nothing but biting. If she could sway Ning Mo's prejudice against the world...

Would he show less madness, less resolve in the future, wouldn't he die so horrifically?

The teacher didn't wait for Ning Mo's response, she was used to this.

She bent down, lifting Ning Mo's tiny body as she returned to the classroom.

Su Xiao Xiao kept following Ning Mo, until the teacher put Ning Mo in his seat, then Su Xiao Xiao also followed him there, sitting on his side with a plop.

"Do you feel pain?"

Su Xiao Xiao’s chubby finger pointed at the blood stain at the corner of Ning Mo's mouth.

Ning Mo didn't register her, his gaze hollow as he stared blankly in front of him.

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